I haven't been doing a lot of crafting lately
because I vowed this
was the year the basement
got "taken care of"
This is only a little of what we got rid of
There are 4 separate areas in our basement
one of the areas my hsb put a door
so that he could put all of his tools etc
in there under lock and key
so the kids wouldn't use and lose them
Since we are empty nesters
it was time for him to come out of the room
so we cleared all of my Pfaltzgraff
dishes out from under the stairs

(still in the movng boxes) and
put them in the skuttles
we got rid of Devon's crib
- would not meet todays standards
all all the other crap treasures
Another issue we have
is our basement has a water issue
an this Spring it has been a real problem
not to mention a lot has gotten moldy
(no not this kind but this looks better)
Now that the main room
will be the work shop
the back room will be perfect
for all of the holiday containers
The past few yrs I haven't wanted to
go into the crawl space area
to dig them out and this will end that

We are going through all the
appliances like bread machines
woks, meat cutters deep fryers
that I haven't used in
years and getting rid of them
I think this might be
our section of the dump
well I may exaggerate a bit
(not much)
I could use this doozer though
I will be also having a yd sale mid summer
I have to admit that it feels gd
to get rid of all the unused

so until this project is completely done
I've decided no more buying
any more crap
Good for you! This will feel so good when you get rid of all the extra stuff. We filled 2 of those rent a dumpsters. We gave away at least the equivelant of 1 1/2 of one and sold 1 or 2 more. 28 years is a long time to accumulate JUNK. I bet you will have a great sale. Let me know even though I don't need any more "treasures".