Sunday, February 26, 2012

Way to Funny......

Click on the photo to enlarge
to be able seen

Turtle Somethin'

This cake is far tooo easy
My hsb usually has Black Forest Cake
for his birthday
But recently the cover
of Midwest Life
had a cake similar to this one

                                                         Make a chocolate cake 
                                                          according to the pkg

I did add pecans to the batter

Drizzle heated chocolate frosting

Drizzle Caramel Ice Cream Sauce


Sprinkle pecans

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Happy Birthday to you

Happy Birthday to my hsb

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Spitting nail and in need of advice

As many of you know
I have been rolling
around in my brain abt
 selling my items at craft shows
 and opening an etsy site.
So I go and do the responsible thing 
and contact my insurance agent
to get 
Exhibitors and Vendors Insurance

What a pain in the butt!
I have now been getting
 the run around
for 2 weeks.
At first I was told that they didn't 
want to take "the risk"
but did not say what the risk
was. She resubmitted it 
and I get 
hey want to know if there
are going to be small pieces
like beads......

Well oh duh, I said I was selling
jewelry, notepads, garden spoons
windchines, embellished notebooks
I mean who sells jewelry that
doesn't have beads????

So here I sit 
waiting and pretty much
assured I will be denied
because yes
I use a lot of beads
and magnets and small

Any advice?
I figure there has to be someone out 
there that insures people
at these shows 
because there are to
many of them 
and the shows require it

This is why
 I didn't want to start 
my own business. 
Things like this really 
sap my energy
and creativeness 

 know there has to
be someone who will 
insure my merchandise

I appreciate any info
that anyone can give me

If I don't find anyone
to insure me I guess my family 
will be getting fridge notepad
 for all gift giving events lol

post script:
I have been looking around
and I have found if you are
a member of the Ohio Arts and Craft Guild
(It is my understanding you don't
have to live in OH to benefit
but please check it out)
you can get reduced
rates on insurance
through your affiliation.
I will be sending my membership off
and I will keep everyone
updated on what I find
They also have many other
benes for your membership
They have a facebook
site as well:

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Fridge Notepads

My first project
in my new studio
came from this inspiration
from Kristy at
Next to Heaven

I took these coasters
from the $1 bin
at Michael's

I lightly scuffed
them up
with a sanding sponge

Using my cricut 
I cut a 4in
circle using the 
craft room
 and George cartridge

I modpodged
them together
and put a layer
on top to seal 
the paper

I then took the sanding sponge
and sand with a downward motion

sanded I removes the excess
paper and seals the papers

match up the notepads

Also with cricut
I cut a rectangle
1.25 w x 1.986 h
out of scrap
paper to cover the binder clip
I also scuffed it up 
with a fine sanding sponge

glued them in place

then added
this one is a flower button

that I cut the
 shank off of it
and glued it to
he binder clip

and added a magnet
on the back

I also cut a 6 in 
piece of ribbon
and tied it on
 to the back clip

This project will use 
a lot of your scraps
 up not to mention
those leftover 

I will be selling these
and my next
 major decision
is whether or not
I should wrap
them in cellophane or not

the pro is it keeps them protected
The con is they are slightly obstructed

What are your thoughts
cellophane or not?

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


A while back 
I walked out side 
and saw this hawk
in my back yd

so odd to see in town

He must've seen something
he wanted for lunch