
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Spring or Fall or....Cleaning

I've been sort of of MIA
only posting here and there
and haven't done much

I have been
 reading blogs

and cooking
for events


I was really bad this Spring
I got very little cleaning done

putting it off to the Summer

Well the summer came
I got those nasty little bug bites
(all 400 of them)


that laid me out
so not a thing got done.

 The other day
when I started looking around
I started seeing
 all the cob webs 

dust and dirt
and decided

 I needed to get my rear in gear
and start some cleaning

I've been taking one
room at a time and doing
the whole Murphy's Oil Soap
washing windows

and going threw drawers
and making decisions
on what to keep
and what to toss

Part of my motivation

is I need to pup proof the house

it's been over 12 yrs
and I know there 
are some yummy
 looking cords
hanging around
we did buy some of these

hopefully they will help
but its time to get everything 
picked up that I don't want
to have to deal with 

I was feeling guilty 
abt Spring cleaning
 6mo late
until my sister
maybe ....
you're 6 month early


That's My Story


I'm Sticking to It!


  1. Jo, I like your sister's take on you being six months early in your cleaning! Smart girl, that one.... Makes you feel like you're ahead of the game. LOL

  2. Jo I am feeling the need to organize and clean but I am resiting! Hugs, Linda
