
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Edgar Alan Poe Night

In honor of the season
Tuesday night
our local bookstore
Blue Jacket Books

(Rosi greeting attendees)

held an evening 
with Edgar Allan Poe
abt 25 people attended

people were asked to come and read their favorite
Poe story 
or favorite spookie story

The evening started with
the owner Elizabeth

The Black Cat

followed by:

Haunted Houses
 by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
read by Samantha Siemer

The Haunted Oak
by Paul Laurence Dunbar
read by Rosi Mackey

The Tell Tale Heart- Poe
(my favorite)
read by Rod Varner

Dead Call
William Nolan
(very interesting story!)
read by Cathy Bengson

The Raven - Poe
read by Al Yarcho

There were
and cookies 

I didn't take many photos 
I got to involved in 
listening to the stories!
It was a fun night

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