
Monday, October 26, 2009

I've Been Boo-ed - Boo Hoo

I've Been Boo'ed!

Sue from Sullivan and Murphy is the culprit!

There’s a Halloween spirited  game of tag going around in the bloga sphere
that was started by Toni @ The Tattered Cottage.
When you get “Boo-ed,” you pass along your greetings to four friends,
then link up with Toni on her blog.
Here’s the poem she sent off to her friends….

The air is cool, the season is fall,
Soon Halloween will come to all.
Ghosts and goblins, spooks galore...
Tricky witches at your door.
The spooks are after things to do,
In fact, a spook brought this "BOO" to you.
The excitement comes when friends like you,
Copy this note and make it two.
We'll all have smiles on our faces,
When we see who Boo-ed whose places.

So now it's time for me to do something witch-y
chosing just 4 people has been difficult!
I’m sending my Big Bad Boo off to:

Ashley at Daddy's Duty

We became friends as neighbors when we lived in Utah - we shared a duplex.
My daughters babysat her daughter and her husband was indirectly one of my husbands troops (my hsb was his bosses boss)  Ashley and her family hold a special place in my heart and always will

Heather at Rue's Peanut Butter and Jelly Life
Heather shares my love of renovating old houses, military families  and small town life.

Shelia at Note Songs
I can always count on her comments on my blog - and they always end in be a sweetie!
So now it;s your turn to be a sweetie and boo someone else!

Marty at A Stroll Thru Life
another person I can depend on to leave me a comment and words of encouragement

There are so many people I follow
enjoy reading daily
Thanks Sue for booing me!

Please keep the fun going by following these instructions.


1. You have 24 hours to work your spell.

2. Copy and post the Halloween Boo Poem with the instructions for playing.

3. Pick 4 blogs you enjoying visiting and tell why you enjoy visiting them. Add a link to their blog.

4. Go to the original BOO Party post at The Tattered Cottage
and hook up to Mr. MckLinky.

Make sure the link is to your current post and not your general blog address.

Let's see how fast and far this spreads between now and Halloween.



  1. Jo, I love all your little ghosts and goblins! Thanks for playing along.
    hugs, Sue

  2. AAAWWWW, that was so sweet! Thank you!! I miss being neighbors with yall!!
