
Sunday, June 14, 2009

Share a Garden Sunday and Met Monday !!

Teacup Birdfeeder

You will need the following:

You won't really need a hatchet (my hsb wanted to use it cuz it's new)

2 part epoxy


teacup and saucer

spray paint

Make a point on one end of the dowel:

When that doesn't work (overkill) you can whittle it:

Spray it whatever color you chose:

Mix the epoxy as per the pkg instructions:

Apply to the cup

and set in the center of the saucer:

Apply epoxy to the bottom of the saucer once the cup and saucer has set up:

Allow to set up. Once the epoxy has set up you can insert it inot the ground and fill with birdseed


  1. But honey it is new and I hvent had chnce to use it yet. Love Ya ......Chuck

  2. I LOVE this!!! I just told my hubby that I would be more than happy to let him use a hatchet in the making of this, too...I think that sold him. haha ;)

  3. Isn't it stinkin cute!!!!
    GREAT idea Jo! :)

  4. LOVE THIS! Of course it qualifies as a Share a Garden Sunday! It's the PERFECT garden accessorie - thanks so much for sharing. Scott is gonna kill me, but I think I just found another thing we'll need to add to the garden!: )

  5. Oh I would love a half a dozen of these!

  6. So cute! Thanks for sharing the tutorial! ~~Rhonda

  7. I have seen these before and just love them! Thanks for showing us how to make them

  8. Jo, this is great....I am definitely going to try this. Thanks!!


  9. Awww....that's a great post! Thanks for the ho-to....I think I could manage to do that. However, I don't have a hatchet...LOL!!!

  10. This is so cute! I'll have to make one soon.

  11. I love this! Cute, cute, cute! Thanks for showing us how!

  12. How cute is that?!? So clever and so beautiful! Thanks for the how-to! One will most definitely be popping up in museville soon!
    xo Isa

  13. Oh wow!! I have to make me one of these! Too cute!! Thanks for sharing this! Huggy Hugs!

  14. Oh Jo !
    Nice job - love that Hubby got to use that axe and a knife !!!! What a wonderful idea and oh so cute !
    Hugs ~ Kammy
    p.s. I am following you now - so can hardly wait to see what you create next ! no !

  15. I make those too and sell them. Here is another way to do the pipe part. I buy copper end caps in the plumbing section and glue them to the bottom of the cup and saucer then buy copper pipe in a long section (cheaper and can cut many pieces) then you can put it right on the cap. The good part about this way is when winter comes and you want to store the teacup so it won't crack you can take the pipe out and it is easier to put away.
    I have also used platters, gravy boats, and bowls - nice bird baths..enjoy

  16. Oh thank you! I've been wanting to make these but was unsure of what glue to use. Thank you so much. Take care.
