
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Any suggestions.................?

I have a dilemma today.

I recently stepped down from my volunteer job of VP of Retail Management i.e. managing a thrift store for the theater. The are multiple reasons the biggest is my health is suffering
Now on to the dilemma.

I have no where to go, no where to be, no task to be done.......So what do I do? What do I want to do? There are non fun stuff like house cleaning, laundry (screaming form the corner- do me, do me!!) or fun stuff like making jewelry, reading a book, sewing the teddy bear for a soon to be cousin, genealogy, redecorate..........or do what my hsb suggested go take pictures with my new camera and go out for lunch! (Gotta love the man who suggests you go have fun)

Since I can't decide I'll sit here read some blogs, drink coffee .enjoy the the peace and quiet and when the mood strikes me do something.........any suggestions?


  1. Jo - I so understand the "what do I do". This is something I am going through already this summer. I have PLENTY to do here but do not feel as driven here as I am at school. So I read blogs, books, putter around the house - becaues it was pretty clean by the third day I was home. Enjoy your coffee and your time- can you travel? day trips are fun too.

  2. Day trips sound like an idea! I think I'll be more motivated in the coming days I definately have plenty to do like you said but no motivation - maybe someone in blogland can give us some of theirs lol

  3. Take a week and go to your sisters for a visit. Love ya chuck

  4. Flights are $117.00 and a car is $200

  5. sounds like you are on the right track. Rest, drink coffee, and blog visit:) you deserve a break. thank you for coming over to visit my blog (first post and giveaway) and for the sweet comment.

  6. Jo, I wasnt kidding about going to visit your sister.
