
Friday, December 2, 2011

I spy.....

I just loved this idea
I Spy Ornaments

I just had to make some!

I got the plastic ornaments
(child safe)
and little tree ornaments
from Michael's
they were all on sale

I had Epsom Salts on hand

I snipped the hangers off the little ornaments
I started with scissors

but I couldn't get close enough
so I ended up using
wire cutters

I put the ornaments in the ball

then added epsom salts

I did find it easier 
to alternate ornaments and salt 

I glued the top on
and added a colorful bow

Don't forget to include 
a list of what they 
are looking for!

Yes it was that easy!!!


  1. What a cute idea. My almost 3 year old granddaughter, Mabel, is really into the I spy right now. I founf her an I Spy wand.....but I'll have to do something like this for her. You have such good ideas.

  2. Such a fun idea. My kids would have loved this when they were younger. Actually, they probably still would. :0 Thanks so much for linking this up to Motivated Monday at BeColorful.

  3. This is so cute! I may have to make some for my nieces!

  4. This is such a fun idea! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Great project! Mine are elementary age, and I think they would love making them all on their own.

  6. WHat a cute idea. Thanks for sharing. I would love it if you could link this up to our linky party going on right now.

  7. We LOVE I spy things in our house...we made our own bottles earlier this year....but ornaments I have never thought of! Would you please share this with my readers for Fun Stuff Fridays linky party?

  8. So very cute! I saw these while linking up on Skip to my lou and thought..Genius!

  9. Those are so fun! :) Stopping by from Homemade Christmas at The Scrap Shoppe!
