
Monday, October 24, 2011

I Can Breathe.....

My son is back
to his base in Italy
and no longer in 

My thoughts
go to the mothers
fathers spouses and 
children of service 
men and women 
who are serving


  1. Unless you have experienced a loved one being there, you wouldn't understand. You life just kinda shuts down. So glad that he is outta there. My son was there one year and in Bosnia another year. I was so glad when he was back in the states even it that was Hawaii. So, I am so happy for you. ((((((HUGS))))

  2. I'm sure that's the best feeling ever. I pray and think of these heroes and their families daily. Love to you.

  3. Oh Jo! I am delighted for you! As Debby said, unless you have had someone you love in danger far away, no one really understands. I SO understand. That knot in the stomach never goes away. We put on a brave front but it is always with us. Breathe deeply and smile. He will remain in our prayers...he is one of our heroes!
