
Saturday, September 10, 2011

Display Board

I've been using my Cricut Expressions
a lot lately
I wish we would've had something
 like this when I was in school
The displays I could've made!
As I  have said we are helping
a friend in his 
run for our city council
I made this board for his booth
at Frist Fridays and a local festival

I started by laying it all out to see how it looked
and to see how I could embellish it

As I was doing it I was updating and checking 
with Josh to get his input

I wasn't sure what I would
 put in the center of the side boards

The board changed a few times

The final layout b/4 gluing

In the center I used  the Twinkle Toes cartridge for the banners
that held names and to vote
the circle was cut from Plantin Schoolbook

I used photos 
of Josh out in the community
He volunteers a lot of his time
to different events

In Picasa I put text on the photos before printing

I cut out stars in metal contact paper
using Plantin Schoolbook
It really makes it stand out

The finished product

Center board

Rt side

Left Side

In use with the candidate
at First Friday