
Friday, June 3, 2011

Signs,signs everywhere a sign...

Have you ever wondered what to do
with those yard signs
that you have had at election time?

This kind is the honeycomb style
I took two of these 
and made it into an sign for 
a robot and kids carnival sign
for our towns First Friday

I spray it with  
clear primer for plastic first

it bubbled w/o it
I then painted one white then the green
Valspar Satin Summer Leaf
then the other just with the green

it really didn't take anymore
so I would skip painting it white 1st

I was going to use blue letters
but after doing a trial run
with blue paper (instead of vinyl)

I decided on using white
and I did some rearranging of the letters

I used everyday contact paper
for the lettering
much more economical

White Contact Paper, 18" x 9'

I cut the letters out with my cricut machine
using the George cartridge
size 4 1/2

You could use idea this for anything

I have another project in mind for these sign
so check back soon.....

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