
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Sweetness and Love

Got a photo today of
one of the females in the litter
right after she got her bath
Isn't she just cuteness?
Don't you just want to snuggle her?

She will be 4 wks old on Monday
we get to pick our Isabella 
this Sat
It's gonna be a long week!


  1. Oh what a little punkin! I would love a puppy kiss! I bet you can't wait!
    Can't wait to see more pictures. Hope the week goes by fast for you.

  2. Oh what a sweet puppy...I know the week will just drag for you, but hopefully not..

    What is better than the smell of a freshly bathed puppy...ahhh..

    Thank you for stoppig by my blog to say hi!



  3. Awww... I'm so jealous! I love puppies/dogs... but we have 3 cats instead. I keep dropping hints to the PC that I'd like a dog. I'm totally spoiled so if I push hard enough I'll have one, but I'm still a little torn on the idea of hair in my house and poop in my yard :D But soooooo cute!!

    Have a great Halloween and hope next week flies by fast for you.

