
Monday, July 20, 2009

What in the world is that???

That what I was saying today.....I went to a local park that has a beautiful garden. The house and land was donated to the county that I live in. I decided to go take some flower photos for future posts. As was taking pictures I came across this creature......I thought I was in luck and had a hummingbird but wait a minute somethings not right.........I was so fascinated by him I took about 20 photos. When I got home this evening and showed my family.....we decided he looked like a flying shrimp! No, that can't be it, we did google some things we thought and came up with what he is, however, I decided to have some fun and see what you all thought he might be - now don't google it - just guess! I will post the answer tomorrow..........Jo


  1. Whoa, that is just weird! I agree with the shrimp theory. He looks like cross between a hummingbird, shrimp, and hhhmm, the color is throwing me off.

  2. WHOA is right! What is that thing?
    It's beautiful in a strange way. :)
