
Saturday, June 13, 2009

Street Fair......

We went to the Yellow Springs St Fair. Yellow Springs is a college town that for the most part is stuck in the late 60's. There are still head shops....excuse me....... new age novelty shops........I haven't seen so much tie dye, peasant skirts and smelt so much patchouli oil in a long time...........I kept wondering where all these old hippies came

There was/were:

The causes:

The Food Booths

New Age Services:


Tarot Reading and Henna Booths

The Merchandise:

Psychedelic Sock Monkeys


Wall hangings


Tie Dye

and yes............more tie dye

Oh that my hsb?? what's he buying?? - OH NO - PURPLE TIE DYE!!!!

Big Pups

Young pups

Belly dancers:

street musicians and jugglers:

It was a great afternoon...........Some what a blast from the past....................

1 comment:

  1. I had a lot of fun at the street fair and found a new fav eatery close to home. Love ya Chcuk
