
Monday, April 4, 2011

A Surprisingly Thrifty Weekend

This weekend
we had errands to run
One was to go to petsmast
I took a quick run into
and found these cute cups for
$1 a piece

You can't tell it but they are
 abt 1/2 the size of reg teacups

I got this box last weekend
at the GW outlet for $2

A friend told us abt
this estate sale and we stopped
on our way home
All the craft magazines were free
I am always
looking for old crochet patterns 
so I came home with 50 magazines
I felt funny abt taking that many but
the lady running it asked
 me if I wanted more
of them There must've been 
over 300 magazines

I got this speller from 1901

I love that the young girl wrote in the front

I went to each pg hoping
to find something special
 written at the end
 but there wasn't

I wonder if these were her best friends?

Funny how she wrote her name in the back spine

I also got this dish for $2

This set is a kerosene lamp holder
and match box
I got for $15

I believe it'll go in my kitchen
 but may or may not stay black

I hadn't planned on
 finding anything 
so it was a surprise 
weekend for me


  1. Wow! I'm thoroughly impressed! I really like those teacups!

    By the way, it would just make my day if you came by my blog and entered my current giveaway for a baby gift set from Eco Ellie's! Thanks!


  2. Glad you found some things you could use! I bought those same cups at Michaels and made 2 cute pin cushions to sell on Etsy! I'll have to post them too!
