
Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday Fillin

 lists four statements
 with a blank for you to fill in
 on your own blogs. If you want to join 
the fun and come up with four fil
l in’s of your own, please email them 
to her at

 If she uses them, she will add

 you as co-host to the hop!
She would LOVE it if you could
 please help me spread the word about this hop…. 

This week’s statements

1. Despite the fact

 that I should know better,
 I still always eat more than I should

2. I call my sister when I am worried

3. I always forget where I have put my keys.

I think I inherited from my Dad 
and unfortunately passed 
the gene on to my dtr

4. Reading is the best! 

I just love to read
I wish I could just sit
 and read all day!


  1. TI am glad that I am not the only one who can never find her keys!

  2. I never can find my keys either, but I didn't think of that!
    Nice to meet you and you have a nice blog.
