
Friday, March 4, 2011

Friday Four Fill-in Fun Blog Hop

Each week, Feeling Beachie

 lists four statements
 with a blank for you 
to fill in on your own blogs.
 If you want to join the fun
 and come up with four fill in’s
 of your own, 
please email them to her
 If she uses them, she will add 
you as co-host to the hop!

This week’s co-host

 is Deborah from 

She submitted the last two statements:

This week’s statements:

1. Over the years I have had so many homes.

2. It drives me crazy to
go grocery shopping. Seems like
people lose all sense of decency. 

3. Every time I walk in the house
  I drop everything  on the dining room table
and take my shoes off

4. Right before I jump in bed,
  I brush my teeth, turn on the fan and check my alarm


  1. Oh, I see you have an Epic Squirrel too! That's what we've named the one (and the others) that invade our birdfeeder!

    Oh, the people at the grocery store. I could have used this one as well for what drives me crazy. It's like they're the only ones in the place!

    I've had many homes too. I hate moving.

    Came over from Feeling Beachies site! Nice to meet you! Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. Wow! I want your font, it's fabulous!

    Yep, I'm with you on the grocery shopping. I could have written the whole post on things that drive me crazy...

    I also hopped over from Feeling Beachie! In the immortal words of Arnie, 'I'll be back'!

  3. I hear you about the grocery store! And I do the same thing with my shoes and stuff, except I dump everything on the bench off the dining room rather than the dining room table...
