
Friday, March 11, 2011

Follow Friday Four Fill-in Fun Blog Hop #3

Each week 

 lists four statements
 with a blank for you 
to fill in on your own blogs.
 If you want to join the fun
 and come up with four fill in’s
 of your own, 
please email them to her
 If she uses them, she will add 
you as co-host to the hop!

This week’s co-host is
 Irene from The Soapbox
She submitted
 the last two statements:

This week’s statements:

1. I am probably in the minority, 
but I really don’t like 
Angelina Jolie or Sarah Jessica Parker 

2. I get so mad when I see someone
 horsing around 
or talking loudly at the library

3. After I sleep I feel better.

4. If I don't scoop poop- it will really stink!

This is one of the photos of my dtr
that cracks me up

Since the photo wasn't of the best quality
I played with it a bit

Have a great weekend!


  1. Hi- visiting from The Girl Creative! You've got a beautiful dog! And great photos, too....

    Stop on by if you can

  2. I can't stand Angelina Jolie either. I don't have much feeling either way about Sarah Jessica Parker...
