
Friday, February 25, 2011

Fill-in fun

 Hilary from Feeling Beachie 

will list four statements with a blank 
for blog hoppers to fill in on your 
own blogs on Fridays. 
If you want to join the 
fun and come up with four fill in’s
 of your own, please email them to 
her at feelingbeachie(AT)gmail(DOT)com 
If she uses them, 

she will add you as co-host to the hop!

This week’s fill-ins from Hilary: 

This week’s statements:

1) I can’t help it, but every time I go to the grocery store,

 I ________.

2) No one believes I like ______ as much as I do.

3) My ____ is my least favorite part 

of my physical appearance.

4) The first time I cooked for 

my significant other, I made ___________.

Mine are:

1) I can’t help it, but every time 
I go to the grocery store, I love looking
 at the soap digest magazine.

2) No one believes I like 
reading as much as I do. 

3) My arms are my least favorite 
part of my physical appearance. 

4) The first time I cooked for my significant other, 
I made grilled lamb.


  1. Hello! I am your newest follower from the hop! Glad I've found you and I hope you'll follow me as well. Thank you!

    Beautiful blog design too!!

  2. Thanks so much for joining in the hop! I haven't watched the soaps in years, but I do still find myself looking through soap opera digest when I am on line.
