
Monday, November 8, 2010

What a Surprise...

A few weeks ago 
I signed up 
for the Fall Findings Swap

I sent my swap box
to my partner
but for some reason
my partner has gone MIA
and I never received one

I was ok with that
I have always felt things happen for a reason
and hope that everything was ok with
the person who was my partner
and she enjoyed the box that I made her

Behind the scenes
Debi from
contacted Karen
and today
I heard a knock at my door
and boy was I surprised!

Please Click on the Photo to enlarge

When I opened the box
I had no idea what 
was awaiting me!

There are baking cups and picks
Also some chocolate!

I really like the bag the baking cups came in
now I need to look for them

Isn't this oak leaf pretty?
I hadn't seen a pumpkin like this one
and I knew she really
looked at my blog because of the
 teakettle timer

There was even something
for Isabella

I couldn't believe the box she 
decorate - photos 
do not do it justice

Each layer had so many beautiful things
There were white gloves
spools with lace
door plates
a bookmark with an Edgar Allen Poe quote
thread spools wrapped with lace
and embellished with jewels
a flattened gold spoon embellished with jewels and lace
and buttons galore!

I think Deb got "me"

The inside of the box with everythign removed
isn't it beautiful?
I love the little girls tea party

From the bottom of my heart.....
Thanks you so much Deb 
it was soooo unexpected
and I love all of it!


  1. I have to laugh. I didn't know what was coming - then it was coming from someone else! And . . . that Miss Debi . . . turned out to be the biggest surprise ever!
    isn't she great?
    There is a special place in Heaven for her.
    Sigh. Everything is just perfect.
    :) Hugs! karen

  2. Jo, I'm so happy that you are happy with your box of goodies! I had such a wonderful time getting to know you, and creating this package for you! It was so fun for me to be in on a secret surprise!
    Have fun with that sweet little Isabella...hope the time goes by fast until you get to bring her home.
    HUGS, Debi

  3. Some folks just know how to do things right, Jo! Big kudos to Debi for wanting to make things right for someone else. She sent you some really nice and special things.... Things DO work out, don't they?
    ~ Sue

  4. How sweet! You deserve it Jo you are a wonderful lady! Love the box and the surprise for Isabella....perfect!
