
Thursday, September 2, 2010

Miss Moo and Mr Ziggy

our grandkitty seems to be
 getting more comfortable visiting

She seems to adore
my husband

Both are chillin'

This little guy
our grandpuppy
will be coming 
to live with us soon


  1. Hey Jo. What a cute page. I love Moo & Ziggy! Too cute!!! We have 2 cats and 1 dog right now. My cat Bugger is 10 and was a feral I found in the yard as a tiny kitten. He still isn't very loving. We also have my MIL's cat Pumpkin who is only about 4 years old and weighs about 23 lbs. We got him for her at the human society when he was a kitty. He would fit in your 2 hands and they had named him baby fat. We should have known. ha-ha. I've been wanting a guaranteed to snuggle and get in you way cause I love you so much cat forever. They say rag dolls are that way but don't see me getting one at all. I would just love to have Moo. Usually cats go to people that hate them the most like my mom or sister but you hubby seems to be right at home with Moo. I love those pics. Well I better go caused I've used up all your space.

    Hugs....Tracy :)

  2. Hi Jo.....I just love that little kitten...content as can be...oh your hubby is too:) Thanks for your input, meant a lot for the feedback and opinions. Debbie
