
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Outdoor home Show Ideas

Aren't these to stinkin cute?

Herb Garden

Hen and Chick Dish

Crayon and pencil fountains


  1. Hi Jo! Oh, these are just amazing! I love the paint palette one! Such imagination to do these things!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. That looks like a fun show to attend. Love the plants in shoes and boots!!

  3. The shoes and boots are my faves with the artist's palate coming in a close second.

    I was HOPING all these things were in YOUR garden (says she who doesn't even HAVE a garden) but then I saw the photo with all the peeps in the background sitting on benches and things and figured you either took these pictures somewhere else or found them via google.

    Still, cute stuff.

  4. I am partial to the paint pallet and the green boots. So cute! La
