
Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Well, I took Gina's challenge at Shabby Chic Cottage

Please check out their sites
and see how well everyone was at completing their lists.

It was fun to get some things done that I had put off - some were more fun than others-

My 10 tasks:
1. Get the outside decorated - DONE w/ hsbs help 10-5

2. Finish the camo bear - DONE 10-8
(only going to show part of him because it's an xmas present for my grandson
and I know his Mom and Dad are watching
he looks like he's in the witness protection program lol

3. Make a Christmas gift list - DONE 10-5

4. Get all the jewelry beads/findings organized DONE 10-7
5. Decide on what the Christmas ornaments will be this year
and purchase the needed items - DONE 10-4
I actually made them on 10-13
but they are presents so photos will have to wait
6. Paint the candlesticks - DONE 10-5
7. Review the Thanksgiving menu with my sister - Done
8. Finish organizing the merchandise area at the thrift store - DONE 10-7
9. Get plays organized and ordered for play reading committee 10-10
10. Have some FUN! Done 10-10 and 10-11
We went to the Yellow Springs St Fair
and A Garlic Festival
I actually got even more done :
I bought 3 of them I got 2 painted
I'm still trying to decided what finish for the 3rd one I think maybe hammered copper
Bronze Stone
Everyone's favorite - Heirloom White

I actually got a few xmas presents done
no I'm not showing cuz its a surprise
no fair peeking......
ok ok just a hint......


  1. Hi Jo! Thanks so much for coming by and leaving such a nice comment for me. I'm glad I came over. Your outdoor decorations for Halloween are wonderful! You HAVE been a busy girl! Have a fabulous Thursday!!

    My Desert Cottage

  2. Pat yourself on the back for completing your list. I love your outside decor. The huge spider is fabulous.

  3. That is a lot to get done! Love that bear, I'll bet he is soft. Nice candle stick makeovers.

  4. Wow wow and wow! Your yard is the best! I like how it's Halloween without being gruesome especially. and those candlesticks...gorgeous and the stands! You've put me to to-do list shame :)

  5. Congrats on getting everything done. That's a huge accomplishment. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Good work! Wow, you're busy! Love all your festive outdoor decor.

  7. Congratulations! Your outside decor should have been on HGTV the other night. GREAT JOB!!


  8. Wow! That's quite a list! I have got to buy some black paint. I just love the transformations that are accomplished with a little black paint. Great job on that long list!

  9. wow... lots done. amazing what a little paint can do!


  10. Oh my how much you have accomplished! You made me tired just reading it all and guilty that I haven't gotten near as much done!! I need a friend like you to keep me motivated- wanna CALL ME every day to see what I have gotten done!!!?

  11. Mary Ellen, I can't keep myself motivated - the guilt of not getting done what I said I was going to made me complete them.........

  12. Very impressive accomplishments!
    Jayne at mysongwithin

  13. Egads! I can't believe all you got done! I'm so impressed!
