
Sunday, October 4, 2009

A Challenge for All...............

I've decide to take on Gina's Challege at Shabby Chic Cottage
Please check out her site and participate.
and join in at
a Procrastinators Party with Melissa
I think it might be fun to get some things done -
I'm not sure how well I will be under the gun but hey, nothing ventured, nothing gained!
My 10 tasks:
1. Get the outside decorated - DONE 10-5

2.Finish the camo bear - DONE 10-8

3. Make a Christmas gift list - DONE 10-5

4. Get all the jewelry beads/findings organized DONE 10-7
5. Decide on what the Christmas ornaments will be this year
and purchase the needed items - DONE 10-4

6. Paint the candlesticks - DONE 10-5

7. Review the Thanksgiving menu with my sister

8. Finish organizing the merchandise area at the thrift store - DONE 10-7

9. Get plays organized and ordered for play reading committee 10-10

10. Have some FUN! Done 10-10

So post a comment on Gina's and Melissa's Site and post the list on your blog
as well as challenge all your followers


  1. You've go a handful this week!

  2. You gals are putting me to shame! I should join, but I'm tired! LOL
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  3. Look at you go! 4 down! WOOO HOOO!

  4. After whining earlier today, I got just about all of them finished (once I adjusted the list). I'm gonna wrap it up tomorrow and I'm glad it's finally over.

    What in the world was I thinking??? Wanna do it again next month? LOL
