
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tea Time

I picked the following tea cup and saucer for no special reason. When it came into the store I knew it had to be part of my "collection" I now have tea cups and saucers as well as teapots in my kitchen. I had never seen a footed cup like this - once I had one of course I saw them all over. I loved the colors because they weren't roses and it wasn't pink - not that I don't have pink rose cups....this was just different

This is where she hangs out with her "girlfriends"

Please don't forget to enter my jewelry giveaway


  1. Such a gorgeous teacup. It is just beautiful and I havn't seen very many footed ones either. I love how you have yor collection displayed on the side of your cabinets. They are all just so lovely. From what I can see, the cabinets are fabulous too. I'd love to see the kitchen. Hugs, Marty

  2. Hi Jo, your tea cups are lovely and I love your corner display area.

    Happy Tea Time Tuesday.


  3. Oh I love the feet too! Beautiful tea cup...isn't this a fun meme?

  4. Such pretty teacups! I like your little niche to display them. That way you can enjoy looking at them everyday. Happy TTT!

  5. I love your collection...In this I live in, you don't see a lot of them to are so lucky. Liz

  6. A pretty tea cup -- there is something charming about "singles" --


  7. Lovely tea cup, we used to collect them and I have several stored in a closet. This brought back lots of memories.

  8. I love the footed ones and I do have several myself. I am partial to roses but everything doesn't have to be roses for me and I agree with you on this sweet tea cup---the colors are just charmimg! Thanks for sharing!

  9. Beautiful tea cup. I love footed tea adds such an elegance to them! She has some pretty girlfriends too!

  10. Such a lovely tea cup with the gold feet and the cut outs in the saucer! I like your display shelf too! ~Theresa

  11. That is an unusual cup. I love the colors as well. I do have one cup with cut outs on the saucer, but only the one.
    Thank you for sharing today!

  12. Yes, pedestal tea cups are the best and I love your little niche in the kitchen for your collection. Lovely!


  13. I love cups with the little legs. Very pretty! Please visit me anytime you have a spare moment. Sincerely, Susan

  14. Hi: What a lovely tea cup. I it is similar to the one I am sharing. I love it. Thank you so much for sharing with us. I hope you can join the party next week. Can't wait to see what you will share. Have a great week. Blessings, Martha

  15. How lovely this footed tea cup and saucer is! Is it a violet on this pattern! I do not own any footed tea cups! Such a lovely treasure!
